
Friday, May 29

Adobe Photoshop for me is one of the BEST THINGS ever invented! hahaha

I learned to use it 4 years ago out of sheer boredom and also because I envied my Bestfriend because she can edit picture and create great images using that software. So I installed the software and learned how to use it.

I never thought that it was VERY HARD to use for beginners. I am not the kind of person who reads manuals and tutorials. So what I did was "Explore", first I created a new file then from then I tried different functions on the left.

My first projects were crappy and ugly and amateur-ish, but hey I spent almost 5 hours of my time just doing that - well mostly undo-ing actions. But eventually I learn how to use it and later on gained more knowledge on creating different effects and the like. :)

Here are the some of my works. You can see the transition from the NEWBIE to the SMART - I am still way behind to the Know-It-All stage! :)

(Excuse me for my "Childish" Appearance in some photos!)

Yuck! I look so weird here hahaha

H3 Collage - My College Section

My First Attempt in Saturation

Gradients I think! with Dishy

I made this for my Cousin!

Sort-of Geisha-ish!

I love Hayden! hahaha


Postcard Effect

I forgot the name of the effects!

Gradients and Filters

Collage for my Friends

Filters :)

Here are some of my current works.
You can see improvements from my Old Works. :)

At the Beach..


Punky Pop-Art

Also all of the clickies and advertisment that can be found at my Online Fashion Shop was created by me except for the site layout.

My Logo

Some Clickies for the Pre-Ordered Dresses

Clikies for easier navigation while browsing my site.

I just finished editing pictures of me I made 3 versions from 1 picture. :)
