Twitter Addict

Wednesday, May 27

Yes you have read it right, I am currently addicted to TWITTER now. I remember my friend Ardrynn telling me about it 2 weeks ago. He is asking me why I haven't made my own account yet. Seriously, I've thought about that ever since I have learned that David A. has one. Eversince I have been viewing his twitter account - Stalker right? But after days of contemplating and serious thinking I have decided to create my own twitter account.

And I have never regretted creating my twitter account - well not yet! :)

I am having lots of FUN. Before I use my FB account as my Twitter account. :)

Not Anymore!

As of now I only have 28 followers - I only knew 8 by heart!

And I am following (rather stalking) 83! Most of them celebs - fake or real I don't know.

The Real ones I am sure of are Ashton K., Demi M., David A., Jordin S., Miley Cyrus to name a few.

Well I guess that's it for now.

I will definitely blog again if ever I have a change of heart about TWITTER.
